Thursday, June 11, 2015

Black Moon: Circus of Freaks Part 1, Circus of Masks Part 2

Black Moon: Circus Of Freaks- Part 1

The infamous Black Moon Circus has been the only true home Cressida has ever known. Featuring a cast of characters unique and fantastical, there is nothing common about the legendary institution. Here the most unusual people of the world are given a chance to perform and truly shine, offering them sanctuary from those who fear what is different. While the walls of the circus protect the performers from the outside world, their safety cannot be guaranteed within. When a jinx befalls the Black Moon, Cressida, a mere stagehand with no known talent or disfigurement, remains safe until the circus's great ringleader calls upon her for help, revealing her own rare gift that would forever change her life and the destiny of the Black Moon. Set in New York City during the 1920's, Black Moon: Circus of Freaks marks the first in an exciting new trilogy.
Available on Kindle and in Paperback

Black Moon: Circus Of Masks- Part 2 COMING SOON! Available For Preorder Now!

A year after the murder streak of 1920, the fate of the Black Moon circus hangs in the balance when a fatal heart attack claims one of its audience members. The incident sparks the rumor of an evil curse and dramatic protests begin to take place outside the circus's doors. With Sameer away recruiting new members, Cressida is left in charge. She soon finds herself over her head in her new leadership responsibilities: hosting a masked ball for the New York citizens to improve the reputation of the Black Moon, housing the new recruits as they arrive, and learning empathy for and gaining respect from the members of her circus family. As the masked ball draws closer, the metaphorical masks each performer wears are slowly shed as they learn to accept themselves and open their hearts to exciting possibilities.
Preorder Your Copy Today!!

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